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Living in the Philippines

Expat Articles and Essential Resources

Articles on the Philippines
Expatriate Websites and Resources
Recommended Reading on the Philippines
Travel Information on the Philippines

Featured Articles on Living, Working, Studying, Traveling, and Volunteering in the Philippines
Finding Jobs in the Philippines by Michaela Lola Abrera
Volunteering in the Philippines by Steve Hunt

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 Expatriate Resources in the Philippines

Amazing Philippines is a 30-minute YouTube video where the narrator illustrates and elaborates on life as an expat in the country which might prove of interest.

Expat Exchange has an articles on the pros and cons of living in the Philippines, as well as a forum, guides to the major cities, and much other information for the prospective expat.

Expat Arrivals Philippines has consolidated information useful to initiate the prospective expat. is a worldwide directory of blogs related to expatriate life, with listings for the Philippines.

HSBC Expat: Living in the Philippines offers some basic information for those moving, living, working, banking, and with tax information for the country.

InterNations — Connecting Americans living in the Philippines provides basic information for expats and the option to register with an expat community to share experiences and opportunities.

Nomadic Fire provides a guide on Living in the Philippines which provides some useful information for the prospective expat aimed at the future retiree.

Numbeo: Philippines is a fine crowdsourced site that provides much aggregate and itemized information about the cost of living in the country, the main cities, and bigger towns which should help prepare you for the transition.

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 Recommended Reading on the Philippines
The Rough Guide to the Philippines
Lonely Planet Philippines
Insight Guides The Philippines
Culture Smart! Philippines: A Quick Guide to Customs & Etiquette 
History of the Philippines: A Captivating Guide to Philippine History

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 Travel Information in the Philippines

Lonely Planet Worldguide provides a lot of useful travel information, with a section on Asia, including the Philippines.

Rough Guide: Travel Guide Philippines offers useful travel advice and information.

Love the Philippines is the slick tourism marketing campaign by the government, providing information that is best verified from other sources as well, as with all marketing sites.

Stoked to Travel is a travel blog with a section on the Philippines by an English writer that provides insights and practical information from on the ground.

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