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Living in Singapore

Expat Articles and Essential Resources

Living in Singapore

Articles on Singapore
Expatriate Websites and Resources
Recommended Reading on Singapore
Travel Information on Singapore

Featured Articles on Living, Working, Studying, Traveling, and Volunteering in Singapore
Living in Singapore as an Expatiate: An Insider's Tips by Victoria Milner
Teaching English and Living in Singapore by Nathan Edgerton
Moving and Living Abroad to Singapore by Kathryn Cullen
An Expat Goes East: Living Abroad in Singapore by Victoria Milner

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 Expatriate Websites and Resources in Singapore

InterNations – Your Expat Community in Singapore provides basic information for expats and the option to register with an expat community to share experiences and opportunities.

Justlanded: Singapore provides helpful resources and background on living in the country.

The Pros and Cons of Moving to Singapore lays out many issues involved in the process and what is involved in moving to and living in the expensive country.

Singapore Savvy likewise presents many issues and provides resources for living in Singpore.

Numbeo: Cost of Living in Singapore is a fine crowdsourced site that provides much aggregate and itemized information about the cost of living in the country, the main cities, and bigger towns which should help prepare you for the transition.

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 Recommended Reading on Singapore
Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei
Lonely Planet Singapore
The Rough Guide to Singapore 
Culture Smart! Singapore: A Quick Guide to Customs & Etiquette

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 Travel Information in Singapore

Lonely Planet Worldguide provides a lot of useful travel information, with a section on Asia, including Singapore.

The Travelfish Singapore section of the great Travelfish website is about as good as it gets in terms of inside travel information.

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