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  Living in Brazil

Expat Articles and Essential Resources

Global Essential Resources for Expats Living and Moving Abroad


Featured Articles on Brazil
Living in Brazil Living in Brazil, the Land of Samba: You Get What You Give by John Clites
An Expatriate Writing Contest winner writes about his experience making the move to Brazil. John also provides advice for any expat making a transition abroad.
Teaching English and Living in Brazil Teaching English and Living in Brazil by John Clites
There is a very high demand for English teachers in Brazil, and that demand will only increase in the foreseeable future.
Safety in Brazil: Image and Reality by John Clites
Working Abroad in Brazil by Volker Poelzl
Teaching English In Brazil: Not An Impossible Dream by Robert La Bua
Work and Live in a Hostel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Stephen Lewis
Living Abroad With a Family in Bahia, Brazil  by Eleanor Stanford
Volunteer Work in Brazil: How to Embark on a Meaningful South American Adventure by Volker Poelzl
Helping Underprivileged Children Of Lençois: A Volunteer Project in the Chapada Diamantina Region of Brazil by Senior Contributing Editor Lies Ouwerkerk
Studying Portuguese in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil by Lies Ouwerkerk
Stay in a Safe Rio de Janeiro Favela: A Unique Bed and Breakfast is Transformed in Tavares Bastos by Lies Ouwerkerk
Rio’s Favelas: Take a Walking Tour with a Local Program by Jim Kane
Responsible Travel in Brazil: Visitors Join the Race to Save the Amazon by Volker Poelzl
Travel to Study the Jaguar in the Pantanal, Brazil by Marsha Johnston 
Living Festivals: Getting Into the Local Spirit by Jim Kane

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 Expat Resources for Brazil

Just Landed Brazil is an online community for expatriates, has a section on Brazil, with classified ads, links, and a bulletin board.

Internations Brazil is an active expatriate community, forum, and excellent resource. You must join the community to take advantage of the information provided.

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 Recommended Reading on Brazil

Culture Shock! Brazil: A Guide to Customs and Etiquette by Volker Poelzl

The Rough Guide to Brazil

Lonely Planet Brazil

Capoeira and Candomble: Conformity And Resistance In Brazi by Floyd Merrell

The Brazilian People: The Formation and Meaning of Brazil by Darcy Ribeiro

The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova, and the Popular Music of Brazil by Chris McGowan and Ricardo Pessanha

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 Travel Information for Brazil
Lonely Planet Worldguide provides a lot of useful travel information, with a section on South America, including Brazil.
Frommer also offers destination guides for countries worldwide, with a section on Central and South America, including Brazil.

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