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Transitions Abroad Magazine May/June 2007 Vol. XXX, NO.6

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Back Door Travel by Rick Steves
The Cave Man Cometh France’s Dordogne River Valley

The Resourceful Traveler by Tim Leffel
Prelude to Immersion Learning a Foreign Language at Home and on the Go

International Career Adviser by Jean-Marc Hachey (magazine only)
Enrich Your Lifelong Journey
Baby Boomers Can Have Fulfilling Work and Living Abroad Experiences

Local Encounters by Michele Peterson
Beyond the School Walls
Spanish and Culture Lessons in Mexico

The Intentional Traveler by Michael McCarthy
Join the Global Community
Intentional Travel is a State of Mind

Immersion Travel: The Americas

Community Tourism in Ecuador Eric Hartman
The Magic of Oaxaca has Returned Alvin Starkman
Honduras, Naturally Terry Redding
Experience Bolivia’s Biodiversity Leslie MacColman
Adventure and Nature-Based Travel in Costa Rica Amy Angelilli
Building Casas in Chiapas, Mexico Kara Shane Colley
Volunteer in Guatemala Doreen Pon
El Salvador’s Marketplace Children Julie Thompson
Why Not Paraguay? Adam Rosen
A Voyage Along the Coast of Labrador Thomas Booth
Canada’s Restored Cabins Vivien Lougheed

Living and Working Abroad

Ask the Expat: How Safe is it to Live Overseas? Volker Poelzl
Volunteering in Latin America: How to Do it Independently Michael Don
Private English Tutoring in Rio Gray Graziani
Work Adventures in Sydney Alison Lapshinoff
Tips for Learning Spanish Before Moving to Mexico Doug Bower
Live in the Paris of South America Hannah Shanks
Teaching English to Children Overseas Sheila Berenson and Joshua Hartshorne
Guide Bicycle Tours Leslie Walters


Timothy Ferriss: Secrets of the 4-Hour Workweek by Sherry Schwarz

Language Immersion

This section showcases a broad range of language programs and vacations. Imagine taking French lessons and cooking classes in Paris, or learning to weave and speak Spanish in a Mexican village. Does the Costa del Sol sound like a good destination for eating paella and learning to roll your “R”s? Could you brush up your Russian on an extended trip to St. Petersburg? Time living and learning the language in another country is time well spent, as you’ll discover from the stories included in this issue.

Ask the Right Questions Jann Huizenga
Study Spanish Inside a Volcanic Crater in Nicaragua with Proyecto Ecólogico Dawn Kane
Why Study Spanish in Mexico? Robert Walling
Study Spanish on Spain’s Costa Del Sol Joshua K. Hartshorne
Voluntarios Bolivia Sara O’Neill Kohl
Study Spanish in Costa Rica Spencer Klein
Pura Vida, Costa Rica Julie Germano
A Taste of Spanish in Cusco Carrie Peterson
Live and Learn in Guatemala Kimberly Daly
Volunteer at AMIGOS Karen Milne
Italian on the Beach Lucia Novara
Choosing a French Language School Kathy Christiansen
Learn French in Quebec Bolade Olambiwonnu
Choose Your Path to Fluency, Japan Karin Ling
Study in St. Petersburg, Russia Mary Ellen Monahan
Language Resources Edward Trimnell

The Homestay Advantage Karen Haid
Health Services and Social Work Training, Guatemala Patty Clement McCulloch


Information Exchange

Jerk Country Tour, Jamaica
Eat Caribbean
Armchair Travel
Calendar of Arts, Culture, Events
World Music
Book Reviews
Travel Adventures

Abroad at Home
Central American & Caribbean Literature Alden Jones

Travel to Eat
Hanoi: Language and Food Alice Driver

Travel Tips
Up the Amazon Without Cash Joe David

First Person
Making it Work in Italy John Becker

No Hablo Español Wendy Simpson

In Memoriam

As this issue was going to press we learned the sad news that Transitions Abroad Founder, Dr. Clayton Hubbs, passed away on March 29 after a long illness. Even with Clay’s deft editing, this space would hardly have been sufficient to describe the fullness of his life and the depth of his character.

I am deeply indebted to Clay for giving me the opportunity to carry on his life’s work in publishing Transitions Abroad. Clay started his pioneering magazine at a time when there were few resources available for people who traveled to learn. The magazine began as a family effort inspired by the Hubbs’ experience traveling and living abroad, and it went on to become what Rick Steves calls “the tough little hero of travel publishing…the Nation magazine of travel.” Although Clay, modest as he was, would never have said this, because of his magazine thousands of people have studied, traveled, lived, and worked all around the world.

Upon the occasion of Transitions Abroad’s 30th anniversary this past July, Clay wrote:“The purpose of the magazine was to provide [readers with] the detailed information they need to enable them to meet the people of other countries, to speak their languages, to immerse themselves in their cultures, and thereby to ‘transition’ to a new level of understanding and appreciation of our common humanity.”

When I met Clay for the first time in 2001, I was fresh out of college and publishing a magazine I had started for study abroad students called Abroad View. I telephoned Clay seeking his advice and, to my surprise, he took my call and invited me to meet him. I felt immediately welcomed by his gentle presence and the twinkle in his eye. Despite needing to prepare the magazine for press, he took the time to talk with me, fully encouraging me to pursue my dream—and, as I’ve learned over the years, he did this for almost anyone who reached out to him. Whether education abroad colleagues, novice writers, or newbies to the field of travel and tourism, Clay mentored many and helped launch more than a few careers.

Since I started publishing Transitions Abroad four years ago, I’ve heard from countless people who remember Clay printing their first article, receiving a handwritten note of encouragement from him, or being received on the telephone with a receptive ear and a soft spoken voice of wisdom. Clay was an incredible teacher, giving tirelessly of himself to empower other people. The more I knew him, the more I admired and respected his clarity, integrity, and human goodness. He was someone for whom truly the glass was half full.

Clay lived the life he wrote about, traveling abroad at least once a year since the 1950s and living abroad for varying lengths of time. All who knew Clay will remember him for his warmth, generosity, humility, humor, wit, and unwavering commitment to educational travel. He believed in, as he wrote, “positive change through travel—not just change in individual perceptions but putting what has been learned to use to make the world a better place for all of us.”

Clay will be missed deeply.

The best way we can honor Clay’s memory is to celebrate life and to travel well.

Sherry Schwarz

Transitions Abroad Magazine

Publisher and Editor
Sherry Schwarz
Founding Editor and Publisher
Dr. Clay A. Hubbs
Web Content Editor
Gregory Hubbs
Jeffrey Boyce
Advertising Manager
Kate McGrail
Office Manager
Patricia Bolognani
Editorial Assistant
Jennifer Crystal

Contributing Editors
Susan Griffith (Work Abroad )
William Nolting (International Education and Work)
Jean-Marc Hachey (International Careers )
Volker Poelzl (Living Abroad)
Rick Steves (Budget Travel)
Rob Sangster (Independent Travel)
Tim Leffel (The Resourceful Traveler )
Zahara Heckscher (Volunteering Abroad)
Edward Trimnell (Language Immersion)
Deborah McLaren (Responsible Travel )
Ron Mader (Ecotourism and Latin America)
Karl Haigler and Rae Nelson (Gap Year)
Cynthia Harriman (Family Travel)
Bill Mohan (Teen Travel)
J. Mara DelliPriscoli (Lifelong Learning)
Michele Scheib (Disability Travel)

On The Cover
A traditionally dressed Andean girl and her alpaca at a rest-stop in Peru’s Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca, Colca Valley—known as the “Valley of Wonders” for its snowcapped volcanoes, green valleys, narrow gorges, and desert landscapes.

Photo by Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox’s photographs are represented by and Lonely Planet Images. His online portfolio is available at

Mission Statement
Founded in 1977, Transitions Abroad is the only publication dedicated to work, study, living, volunteering, and immersion travel abroad. Its purpose is the dissemination of practical information leading to a greater understanding of other cultures through direct participation in the daily life of the host community.

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