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Transitions Abroad Magazine Sept/Oct 2002 Vol. XXVI, NO.2

Information Exchange
Europe and China by Train

Travelers’ Almanac

Volunteer the Right Way Sian Wu and Zahara Hecksher

Letter from Ethiopia Dr. Clay A. Hubbs and Joanna Hubbs

Learning Kung Fu Jackie Adams

Back Door Travel
More Tips on Saving Money Rick Steves

Volunteer Abroad

  • International Volunteerism: Rebecca Jewell
  • The Useful Vacation Melissa Schulz
  • Volunteerism at Home Sarah Green
  • Chasing Dolphins Thomas Kamruth

Educational Travel Directory of Programs

Working Traveler

  • Alison Kysia Study and Work in Yemen
  • Live, Learn, Teach in Japan Chris Cotter
  • Camping for Cash: Live and Work in Antarctica David Devere

Work Abroad Resources

Making a Difference

A Gateway to Asia Glenn Shive

Living Abroad

Education Abroad
Study Abroad

  • Stop Ethnocentrism! Laura Higgins Florand
  • Aussie Jazz Aparna Datta
  • I Will Remember Christine Irons
  • Mexico on the Web Ron Mader
  • Heading in a New Direction Alexa Hackbarth
  • Choosing a Study Abroad Program Lara Rauba
  • See England as It Was J.E. Killick


The Middle East Up Close Michael Ungar

From the Editor

As most of our student readers are starting the academic year with a fresh start in the classrooms and exploring new and unexpected study abroad opportunities, many others around the world are actively promoting positive change in their communities.

In this issue we've focused on the ways volunteering can effectively kindle the understanding between two cultures. While contributors to this issue agree that there is no “right way” to volunteer one's time for a charitable organization, if done right (sensitively, knowledgeably, and sincerely), volunteering abroad can truly make a difference.

As I write this, violence is escalating around the world, from the Middle East to South Asia to here at home. As a result, misconceptions about other cultures and religions seem to fill the thoughts of even the most open-minded people. However, recent political turmoil should not deter travelers from taking a trip to an unfamiliar destination.

The work resources, study abroad programs, and volunteer organizations listed in this issue are here for precisely that reason — to encourage educational, immersion travel overseas through easy access to essential information. (Because of the abundant amount of new information on the subject of working abroad, some of this information could not fit in our print magazine. As always, you can find a complete listing of work abroad resources on our website.)

We have spent much of the summer cleaning and organizing our files and databases so we can make the past 25 years of Transitions Abroad available to subscribers on our new website — scheduled to go up this fall. It's taken us a little longer than expected, but we think you'll be pleased with the results: At a keystroke, users will be able to obtain new resource guides, a wide selection of articles on a specific topic, and up-to-date information on volunteer, study, work, and living abroad opportunities.

For overseas travel with a focus, renew or subscribe to Transitions Abroad Magazine. If your priority is to keep updated on the very latest opportunities in working overseas, the new fourth edition of our Work Abroad book is going to the printers in August. Reserve your copy now for the most accurate and comprehensive information available on finding work overseas and take advantage of the prepublication discount.

— Sian Wu

Editor and Publisher
Dr. Clay A. Hubbs

Managing Editor
Sian Wu

International Education Editors
William Hoffa, William Nolting

Contributing Editors
Dianne Brause (Socially Responsible Travel)
Bryan Cook (Traveler’s Almanac)
Susan Griffith (Work)
Cynthia Harriman (Family Travel)
Zahara Heckscher (Volunteering)
Ron Mader (Latin America)
Deborah McLaren (Ecotourism)
William Nolting (Work)
Volker Poelzl (Living)
Kent St. John (Independent Travel)
Rick Steves (Budget Travel)
Tracy Scharn and Pamela Houston (Disability Travel)
Christine Victorino (Volunteering)
Kathy Widing (Travel Books)
Arnie Wills (Senior Travel).

Business Manager
Lisa Green

Joe Obeng

Joanna Hubbs
Beautiful Children in Ethiopia

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