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Flag of Ecuador Study Abroad in Ecuador

Centers for Interamerican Studies: Semester in the Andes SPRING​ - FALL​
The Semester in the Andes program combines quality academic content with an extended intercultural and language experience. Live and study in Cuenca, Ecuador, while also traveling to some of South America’s must-see sites: Machu Picchu, the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon Rainforest! The semester is open to students from a wide range of majors with or without previous Spanish knowledge. The semester is divided into two academic terms, allowing students to begin with intensive Spanish courses and then choose from several options: further Spanish courses, internship/service learning project, or courses from several academic disciplines.
Study Abroad in Ecuador Website:

Study, Volunteer or Intern in Ecuador
EcuaExplora is the leading provider of study, volunteer and intern abroad programs in Ecuador. Our objective is to share the local culture by providing participants the opportunity to come and explore the rich environment and fascinating culture of the Ecuadorian nation. We've got the right program for you, whether you're looking to study at a prestigious university, gain practical work experience, or lend a helping hand. Come experience Ecuador with EcuaExplora!

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